Sunday 16 June 2013

In this day and age, an integral part of gaming is of course, multiplayer gaming.

A lot of people love it; being able to play with/against other players make awesome experiences which you just can't get with just AIs. I love it too. Here at WGT Gamers, we enjoy playing online games with each other, be it against other people or just good old fashioned co-op.

Since multiplayer is so popular these days, there are quite a variety of multiplayer games to indulge in. Most of them are pretty popular with large communities, such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike, DOTA, League of Legends and many, many more. Then of course, there are the lesser known multiplayer games such as, Natural Selection 2, Chivalry : Medieval Warfare or War Of The Roses, just to name a few.

Well this post isn't about me just stating the different multiplayer games that are available, it's to shed some light on a huge gripe I have with multiplayer gaming, in my region at least. I've always enjoyed multiplayer in games, mainly because I can play with my friends ; achieve something great with our team work, or just messing around having mindless fun. Lately though, I've taken refuge in a lot of single player games because....well....there just aren't any multiplayer games to play. 


Maybe I didn't phrase it correctly; there's noone to play online with.

I live in Singapore; well all of us here at WGT Gamers are Singaporeans. If you want to play online games with low ping here in little SG, that's not a problem with AAA titles such as Call Of Duty,Battlefield 3 or Counter Strike ; there's always people playing those games.It's no problem playing those games because they're so popular.

Then of course there are games like League Of Legends and DOTA which are immensely popular here in Singapore. You can easily just play those games online with no problems. The manpower is there, because the interest is there.......and I guess that's the problem.

I recently received a code for War Of The Roses, which is a multiplayer medieval-themed game. I've wanted to play it in the past, but didn't get to it. So, I thought that was cool and proceeded to download the game on Steam and play it. I went in, customized my avatar's symbol and colours, did the tutorial for a while and then went to the server browser to finally kick some ass online. The server with the lowest ping was 231.

I wasn't surprised, I've experienced this multiple times before in games like Tribes : Ascend, Natural Selection 2, Chivalry : Medieval Warfare, Primal Carnage, which are all really awesome, great multiplayer games. I just can't play those games because there are no servers to play on. I do see many high ping servers from other regions like Europe and America and I'm just so jealous that those people in those countries are able to play these games easily.

I have no problems playing Counter Strike or Battlefield 3, I own them and I enjoy playing them. However, there are some instances where I just want to play something of a different pace and setting. I do not enjoy actions RTSes like DOTA and LOL, they don't interest me at all. Now I'm just worried for the multiplayer games that'll be coming in the future, whether there'll be servers for me to play on. I won't be able to experience those games just because not enough people play those games in my region, and that's just sad.

Maybe I'm just oblivious to a hidden secret society of Singaporeans that play these games. If I am, then take this post as a distress call to save me from just playing the same old multiplayer games. If there is indeed a sanctuary where Singaporeans actually play other multiplayer games, I'm calling out to me.

For now, I'll just stay in my hole, appreciating my single player games. Single player games are awesome.

- Lettuce


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